
Amla: Indian Gooseberry

Amla is an important ingredient which helps to gain weight. What makes Amla so special?

It is a small green fruit having sour and astringent taste has cooling effect. The fruit has abundant of Vitamin C which is helpful for boosting immunity of the body. Amla is stimulant for blood, heart, liver and bones. It strengthens and brightens the hair, teeth and nails. It is a potent liver protecting agent, laxative, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, etc. It is widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions and globally used as an important herbal drug in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine.

According Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, P. emblica is regarded as “the rejuvenator. The fruit is a crucial ingredient found medicinal preparations like Chyawanprash and Triphala. In traditional medicine, it is used for the treatment of

  • diarrhea
  • jaundice
  • inflammation

 The fruit is considered as

  • tonic
  • laxative
  • diuretic
  • digestive
  • stomachic
  • aphrodisiac
  • antipyretic

The medicinal effects of Amla:

  • Laxative Effect – the fresh ripe fruit are used extensively in loosens the hard tools, increase in bowel movements and helps in constipation.
  • Antidiabetic Effect- it helps in lowering the blood glucose level and; hence, reducing the risk of diabetic complications.
  • Analgesic and Antipyretic Effect- Leaves is used to treat fever and the fresh fruit known as refrigerant, lowering the body temperature in high fever.
  • Hepatoprotective Effect- The fruit is potent liver protecting agent, it prevents from liver damage.
  • Immunomodulatory Effect- It naturally kills the hyper-cell activity and cellular toxicity and modifies the immune response or the betterment of functioning of the immune system
  • Cardioprotective Effect : it helps in heart from various diseases and removes the toxin from the body.
  • Antitussive Effect: The fruit helps in relieving from the cough and dilates the trachea and bronchi.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effect: the fruit reduces the swelling and edema.
  • Hypo-cholesterolemic Effect : fruit treatment decreases total serum cholesterol levels and significantly reduced the levels of total, free and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
  • Hypo-lipidemic Effect The lipid-lowering and anti-atherosclerotic actions fruits were evaluated.

The Amla is filled with goodness and fibers that helps in removing toxins from body and keeping body healthy.


Amla or amlaki is found in Accumass ayurvedic formulation that helps in gaining weight.  The herb which has number of medicinal properties is found in Accumass. This is a natural way that one with less body weight should try.

If you are worried about your underweight problem and want to gain some extra pounds then use the goodness of Natural Ingredients in Accumass.

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