Can stress cause you to lose weight

Yes, stress is one of the major reason behind lose weight in unhealthy manner. Sudden loss of weight after a stressful event, can also be a sign of a serious illness. In sudden loss of weight through stress can be explained as: Sudden loss of weight for no apparent reason […]

There are variety of foods available in the nature to nourish and provide healthiness to body. Food and water is one of the main component required to human for being healthy. Natural foods, free from pesticides, growth hormones, gardening chemicals and preservatives are work in a synergistic manner to gain […]

In the past time, natural herbs are used for the treatment of various ailments and fortification of health. Ayurveda is one of the oldest healthcare systems which suggested the number of natural herbs that help in various ailment and enhance the overall well being of health. But with passing days, […]