Superfoods Which can Help You to Build Strong Muscles


If you want to build more muscles mass, exercise is necessary thing to do. Regular workout will stimulate your muscles to grow bigger and help maintain good muscle health. But heavy workout alone can’t do anything, taking healthy diet is also necessary.

The foods you take in your breakfast, lunch and dinner plays an important role for improving overall health. Therefore, to fulfill the wish of strong muscles including foods that contain protein, vitamins, healthy fats and carbohydrates in daily diet is necessary.

Other nutrients that are necessary for building muscles are copper, magnesium, potassium, selenium, calcium, and iron.

To provide all these nutrients to your body it is necessary to take below mentioned foods.

Have a look!


Eggs :

Egg white contains protein, which is a main component for building strong muscles. In fact, this food stuff contains high quality protein with all nine essential amino acids necessary for muscle building.  It is also loaded with minerals like calcium, zinc and iron.


Egg yolk is a rich source of vitamins, including A, E, K and a range of B such as B12, riboflavin and folic acid. All the nutrients are important for speeding up your metabolism and turning fat into energy. You must eat one or two eggs to build muscles and remain healthy. Egg whites, specifically from hard-boiled eggs are usually highly preferred.


Milk :

Milk is another good food for building strong muscles. It has high quality proteins- whey and casein. Whey protein quickly breaks into amino acids and absorbs into the bloodstream. On the other hand Casein digests slowly and gives the body a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time.


Milk is also enriched with vitamins and minerals, fats and carbohydrates which help in building muscles. It refills you with energy and makes you more active. You need to drink one glass of skim milk after each workout. You can also take two bananas with milk for fast and better results.


Salmon :

Fish, specifically salmon is considered one of the best foods for building muscle. Salmon can help you burn fat and build lean muscles as it contains unique combination of omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, protein and vitamin B.


It also contains other nutrients like magnesium, selenium, calcium and iron that help building strong muscles. Eat some grilled salmon with a salad or green vegetables once or twice a week.


Legumes :

If you really want to build muscles, you must include legumes in your diet. Different kinds of legumes are highly nutritious sources of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. Protein helps build and maintain muscle strength and fiber is essential for proper insulin response which helps in absorption of various nutrients.


Complex carbohydrates are capable to provide more stable and long-lasting supply of energy for working out. Some of the more legumes include pinto beans, lima beans, kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, black beans, , and chickpeas. You can eat legumes in soups and salads.


Spinach :

It is also one of the best lean muscle foods that help build strong. In a study it was found that the phytoecdysteroids present in spinach can enhance muscle growth up to 20 percent. It is also in high in calcium so, helps in relaxing muscles to prevent cramping during exercise.


One of the most important things about it is high iron content that is essential for muscle building. You can have raw spinach juice or take it in salad. You can even lightly steam the leaves and use them in sandwiches.


Flaxseeds :

Flaxseeds are enriched with many nutrients that are important for losing body fat and building muscles. Flaxseeds are one of the best plant sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids that help in reducing inflammation. Reduction of inflammation in the body is important for building muscle. This means muscles will not sore after intense workouts and the body will be able to heal muscles faster.


Moreover, flaxseeds are rich in fiber so, help boost energy and increase stamina. They are also enriched with protein and all vital amino acids that are required for body.

So, what you decided after reading this article? Are you ready to include these foodstuffs in your diet to maintain good muscle health? Besides this, you can also take Accumass– the best weight gainer supplement in India with one glass of milk.


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